Calls For Application! Timbuktoo FinTech Accelerator Programme In Lagos, Nigeria On 13/06/2024

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Brief Virtual Remarks By His Excellency, Prof. Yemi Osinbajo, SAN, GCON, Immediate Past Vice President Of The Federal Republic Of Nigeria At The Launch Of The Call For Applications For The Timbuktoo FinTech Accelerator Programme In Lagos, Nigeria On The 13th Of June, 2024


I’m pleased to announce the launch of the call for applications for the Timbuktoo FinTech Accelerator Programme in Lagos Nigeria.


A quick background, the Timbuktoo African Innovation Fund is an initiative of the UNDP in collaboration with governments and the private sector across Africa to invest in Africa’s top talents by creating Innovation Hubs with specific themes and also University Innovation Pods across Africa.


The hubs specialize in different areas including ClimateTech in Kenya, EdTech in Senegal, MineTech in Zambia, Trade and Logistics in Egypt, Creatives in South Africa


Lagos, Nigeria is the designated home of the FinTech Hub, so the idea is that the Lagos FinTech hub will incubate and then deploy at scale, the most promising FinTech startups coming from anywhere on the Continent.


A  FinTech startup is one that uses innovations in financial services to deploy solutions in a wide variety of sectors including commerce, logistics, agriculture education and healthcare.


So by applying and being selected for the Timbuktoo FinTech Accelerator Programme, you will be able to access the hub’s state-of-the-art equipment and services including experts in residence, a product design lab and a dedicated co-working space.


You’ll also be able to interact with Africa’s most respected FinTech entrepreneurs, mentors and coaches. Your startup will also be eligible for seed financing to refine and grow the business and also you’ll have an opportunity for market access across the Continent.


One more thing, while the Fintech Hub in Lagos is a physical space, the hub’s offerings will also be available virtually. To apply, the link is displayed on the screen and that will take you to the Timbuktoo FinTech Hub Call Page which has details of the eligibility criteria and a fuller description of the programme and answers to some of your anticipated questions.


Guys, this is your moment, I wish you all the best as you apply!